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Crisis Communication Planning & Management

A solid, predictive plan for fast reaction to crises, including messaging, implementation, timing and measurement/analysis.

Communication Strategy

Organization-wide, external and/or internal plan for analysis of current environment, addressing issues, listening and response, goals and objectives, implementation strategy and measure/analysis.

Social Media Strategy

Complete strategy and implementation plan for consistent brand presence on social media platforms that best fit your business, reflect your mission and voice and drive your business forward.

Social Media Training

Train your communications and PR staff to make the most of social media. Theory, best practice, industry changes, platform training and how to write, implement and measure great SM strategies.

Public Relations Strategy and Execution

Public relations planning and implementation services, including tactics like story pitches, media engagement pitches, environment analysis, ways forward and content plans.

Media Engagement Training

Train your leadership team to be the voices and faces of your brand with their best interview and camera presence. Body language, risks, 10-second messaging, and everything your executives and spokespeople need to know about connecting via the media.

Brand Presence and Messaging

Ensure your brand is powerfully communicated consistently across all media forms with meticulous planning for digital, social, traditional, story and visual media.


Illuminate Me!

 A personalized job hunting consultation package, including initial consultation, resume creation or re-write, cover letter template, 2-page candidate "PR" strategy and a 1-hour video chat interview training course. Call us for pricing options.

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